Olanrewaju Olusola Sanu - Site Memorial Online

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Olanrewaju Sanu
Nascido emNigeria
20 years
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Árvore Genealógica
its been 3 years, i wish u were around to make fun of me, keep me in check, enjoy my fortune together. I wiash i could call u and tell u about my classes, my graduation, my summer plans, my new job, my new car. I miss you very much. I know we shall meet again some day. Will always love you man. U inspire me amongst others.
Arts, entertainment, publishing hartcrareecit981
Titilayo Craig
Lanre was an awesome cousin to me. I remember him teaching me Physics back in AFCS. It was in SS1 and I had my first physics lab in Mr Ema's class and I wasn't sure what to expect but Lanre tutored me and gave me great insight. Of course, I did well was actually the 3rd highest grade on the block. Finally I remember our phone conversations especially the one a week before he went to rest. We just swapped stories as usual....I really miss you and I know you are resting but sometimes I wish I'll wake up and this was all a bad dream. I miss you Lanre and I am fortunnate to have been related to you. Love you always.
Crystal Watkins
I remember taking O-chem together and the many late nights we had of studying for Hildreth's test. The day you came to class in a T.U. shirt, stood up on the desk, and was waving your hands around while Dr. Hildreth didn't notice. I remember how much of a gentleman and how sweet you were. You and Vedran were so smart and helped the rest of us who were struggling and I thank you for that. I thank you for making O chem bearable and making feel happy everytime I saw you. You'll always be remembered.
DeAngelo Reskova Xavier

wuzzap up there mann...i know u chillin' wit your partner-angels...Imma miss you mann, no doubt about it...but at the same time i know you're now in better place...and we'll laugh again together when I meet you up there...Remember our last night together? It was at Northgate... Me and you swaggin as usual...doin the booggie dance nd chillin' until we spotted those 2 girls...and you were like "c'mon angelo...let's go dance wit those girls..they're lookin at us...lets go boyy..lets goo"...all of sudden, we were makin out with those girls....hahahahaha...since that day i call my girl the lady in white...lol...sure i'll remember that night for the rest of my life...imma miss your complimments "mann you look fly...u always look fly...i respect ur swagg boyy"...i'm like "Ray...u flyer than me...u got mo swagg than i do...ur swaggg is undeniable..." and we would laugh out loud...imma miss playin soccer wit you, in the same team, cuz you were such a good defender that i can count wit my right hand fingers how many times i passed you...remember i used to call you every single day to come play for our team during the intramurals? because u've always brought an extra energy to the team wit your heart, strength, jokes, dedication...so many memories boyy...but hey we'll talk again soon...

Thanks for all the good moments we had together...and please watch over me from upstairs...now i have connections in the heaven...Rest In Peace my dear friend Lanre "Ray_swagger" Sanu.


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